Workshop coming up in Devon, UK 4-6 July 25
This professionally facilitated weekend workshop is run by MoMENtum, a mutual support group for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse based in Devon, UK. The goal of this weekend is to offer a safe, encouraging environment of healing. They will provide a variety of healing activities, including the sharing of stories, writing exercises, anger work and other emotional expressions, small group discussion, relaxation and yes, even fun and is for men who are actively engaged in recovery work.
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Workshop coming up in Devon, UK 4-6 July 25
This professionally facilitated weekend workshop is run by MoMENtum, a mutual support group for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse based in Devon, UK. The goal of this weekend is to offer a safe, encouraging environment of healing. They will provide a variety of healing activities, including the sharing of stories, writing exercises, anger work and other emotional expressions, small group discussion, relaxation and yes, even fun and is for men who are actively engaged in recovery work.
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Could you work as an IDVA or ISVA?
If you have strong interpersonal skills, empathy, resilience, and a passion for supporting survivors, you might be a good fit for working as an IDVA or ISVA.
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‘The Way Through’ Podcast launched by featuring Stephen Hart
Stephen talks to a friend and ally of, Phil King, about his story of abuse and how he began to heal by using the creative process.
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Joint statement in response to the concluding report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, by Survivors UK, Mankind UK, and Survivors Manchester
Survivors UK, Mankind UK, and Survivors Manchester, three leading male-specific survivor organisations in the UK, collectively and warmly accept the concluding report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
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New films released by 1in6uk featuring Ian Ackley, Head of the The Survivor Support Advocate (SSA) service at the Professional Footballers’ Association
Ian chats to 1in6uk’s marketing manager and activist, Gary Pleece, over three films featuring his harrowing story of abuse, how he had suicidal thoughts, and how we all have a role to play in Safeguarding.
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- releases a new film: ‘A Conversation Between Two Survivors’ has released a new film featuring an open and honest conversation about what it means to be a survivor between performer, poet, and survivor, Tanaka Mhishi and playwright and survivor, Patrick Sandford.
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The MUSE project exhibition and talk
The Ledward Centre, Brighton, BN1 1GE, Mon 11th July 2022 5.30pm - 8.00pm, FREE entry, ticketed event
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Introducing The Brave Movement – End Childhood Sexual Violence
The Brave Movement is a collection of survivors who have come together to end childhood sexual violence. This is a global movement that will be talking to governments at the G7 summit in Germany in June 2022 - and beyond - to demand action.
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London screening of GROOMED documentary about sexual abuse on June 15th, 6.30pm is hosting a ticketed screening of the film GROOMED by Patrick Sandford on June 15th, 6.30pm at The Garden Cinema, Covent Garden.
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- releases a new film featuring playwright, survivor and trustee of Mankind UK, Patrick Sandford has released a new film in response to the request for advice about how to speak to a friend about sexual abuse. It is the first step towards healing for many people, and can be the hardest.
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- publishes new film and content about self harm has created a film of Tanaka Mhishi who has experienced rape talking to a friend and ally about self harm as a coping strategy.
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- releases new film about sleep problems and strategies for male survivors has produced a film of a conversation between Tanaka Mhishi who is a male survivor of sexual violence and John Ryan a comedian and ally. They discuss sleep problems and strategies which can help.
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