Launch of ‘The Way Through’ campaign
Today we launch ‘The Way Through’ campaign, a series of Real Survivors telling their Real Stories. The stories we tell are graphic, to the point and heartfelt. We want to help and connect with other men and boys affected by unwanted sexual experiences.

With this campaign we want to help men and boys understand that it’s ‘alright’ to feel and act a certain way because of traumatic experiences. ‘Why’ you feel a certain way isn’t your fault. The trauma, anxiety and depression you might feel because of the abuse that happened to you, doesn’t mean there’s ‘something wrong with you’. We want to show you that there is a Way Through.
The men behind this campaign have been there, and understand the ‘why’. Whilst everyone’s story is different, there is a common thread; no one asked for, or wanted these experiences to happen to them, and all will be affected by them in some way.
Although you might be hurting, angry and anxious right now, by disclosing what happened, by realising you’re not alone, you can start the process of finding the Way Through. You can find the freedom and support to tell your story.
The campaign will start with the stories of the members of the Lived Experience Group who work as the creative force behind

First up is Gary Pleece, Brighton based football activist, marketing dissident and graphic novelist. You’ll see a range of images with powerful quotes across the @1in6uk social media accounts, leading back to Gary’s survivor’s story.
These quotes may resonate with you. They refer to the four stages of a survivor journey;
what happened?
how did it affect you?
what you did to find help?
what The Way Through looks, and feels like?
We say ‘feel’ because for these survivors, the feeling of reaching the other side is liberating, fulfilling and life-affirming.
Next we will introduce you to Will, a musician who’s written a beautiful and moving song called ‘Jack in Water – Monster’, featuring other survivors.
You will also meet Patrick, a theatre director and playwright who wrote the excellent and compelling play Groomed, based on his experiences of abuse.
The Way Through campaign recognises that people are at different stages of their healing journey, and focuses on the ultimate, positive outcomes that are possible.
Want to tell your story?
We want to hear from you. We want to offer you a space to tell your story. There is no right or wrong about how you tell it. You have the freedom and support you need to tell others what happened to you and, if that helps just one other person, then job done.
If you haven’t found your Way Through yet, then that’s ok. We can help. That’s all we want to do, to get you the help you need and deserve, no matter what stage of your journey you’re on.
Sometimes websites dealing with sexual abuse or assault can feel cold and uninviting. Or there can be a sense that you’re ‘left to get on with it – alone.’
Not here. Yes there are self-help tools and sign-posting to therapy and counselling services, but we are all survivors too, and we want you to know that you don’t have to do this alone. We want to help you hear from other real people with real stories to tell.
There is a Way Through.
If you would like to share your story please email us.