Attend a workshop for male survivors
4-6 Jul 25 at Dartington Hall, Devon, UK = Residential Workshop
What to expect
This weekend workshop is run by MoMENtum, a mutual support group for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse based in Devon, UK. Read more about MoMENtum.
The goal of this weekend is to offer a safe, encouraging environment of healing. They will provide a variety of healing activities, including the sharing of stories, writing exercises, anger work and other emotional expressions, small group discussion, relaxation and yes, even fun and is for men who are actively engaged in recovery work.
Mike Lew
Mike is a psychotherapist and group therapy leader. Mike has worked with thousands of men and women in their healing from the effects of childhood sexual abuse, rape, physical violence, emotional abuse and neglect. Mike is the author of Victims No Longer: The Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Sexual Child Abuse. Read more about Mike
Thom Harrigan
Thom is a classically trained practitioner with a commitment to social justice and equality.
Thom focuses on the complex changes facing survivors of dysfunctional families, institutional and systemic abuse, natural disasters, war and conflict. Read more about Thom.
Cost and what’s included
£420 per person which includes:
- Accommodation for 2 nights in single cocupancy room
- All meals and refreshments
- All workshops and activities
All the places are subsidised but if finances would still prevent you from coming, please contact Russell as soon as possible or 07773 151080